4th Left is Assoc. Prof. Sheilah Namagembe and Faculty Staff during the training

The Dean Faculty of Procurement and Logistics Management Assoc. Prof. Sheila Namagembe has encouraged staff to do more research and publish so as to have a competitive edge in academia.
She pledged to invite guest researchers to the Faculty workshops to give the young researchers all round information about research and how best they can enjoy the benefits of publishing.
Assoc. Prof. Namagembe was addressing staff during the second Logistics Departmental training for researchers on systematic literature review that took place on November 10, 2023 in the audio-visual room at MUBS Main Campus Nakawa. Among the research proposals presented during the workshop included; sustainable urban transport practices, the impact of warehouse technology evolution on its efficiency, challenges and enablers of humanitarian supply chain management, swam intelligence and vehicle route optimization, information and road crush management.
The Head of Department of Transport and Logistics Management Mr. Brian Muyomba updated the participants about the Masters for Transport and Logistics Management program, which is awaiting Makerere University’s senate approval.
The Department Research Coordinator Dr. Wilson Tusiime said that the major objective is to enable every staff member to be fully equipped with key steps in research writing, knowledge on how to write for grants and the skills and confidence on how to write concepts and present in various conference.
Meanwhile, Dr. Bonny Bagyenda a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Logistics and Transport management explained the key principles of systematic literature review that includes; having a clear research question, inclusion and exclusion criteria, comprehensive search strategy and quality assessment.
He indicated that these can guide future primary studies in a researchers area of interest.