5th L; Dr. Rachel Mindra Katoroogo, Dean Faculty of Commerce together with Staff from the Faculty after the workshop
Avoid academic corruption such as giving students unnecessary marks, calling students to give you money, having interactions with students during the marking process cause if you are caught, then you will be dismissed from School
On January 3, 2024, the Staff in the Faculty of Commerce convened at MUBS Main Campus Nakawa for pre marking workshop aimed at equipping them with the general conduct of staff in the marking room. The MUBS Ag. Principal Prof. Moses Muhwezi emphasised that 2024 is a year of serious work both at an individual and at Institutional level, no more jokes, pride, chaos, lies and deception. Let us maximize our achievements, do your work, do not be threatened we are here to support you and also the Person To Holder issues will be resolved, and individual challenges will be sorted out. He appreciated the staff for their commitment and input into the teaching and examinations processes. Prof. Muhwezi called upon all staff especially the new staff, to learn and master the skill of assessment, it is a key result area and as a lecturer, you must fall in love with the concept of assessement, it is very important in your career” He further advised staff to participate in the setting of questions, first attempt the questions before giving them to students, be cautious while marking, be cautious while giving marks, put passion in their career and do the right thing. Avoid academic corruption such as giving students unnecessary marks, calling students to give you money, having interactions with students during the marking process cause if you are caught, you will be dismissed from School.
Ensure that marking serves its purpose of advancing students’ progress and outcomes, to balance the anticipated time the marking task takes, to ensure timely release of results to students which motivates students to progress
Put more attention on marking guides, do not punish the students, read ahead, be knowledgeable and read along the area of your teaching. if you have chosen career in education then you must read and keep updating your skills . Prof. Muhwezi urged the Academic staff that as they mark, they should not over work, create time and devote, avoid multitasking, create time for leisure and avoid multi tasking. 90% people cannot multitask, we do want students to be favored or disadvantaged due to less concentration.
Mr. Freddie Semukono, Director Quality Assurance
Mr. Freddie Semukono, Director Quality Assurance who discussed principles of effective marking, principles of a marking guide, and marking standards . He urged staff to ensure that marking serves its purpose of advancing students’ progress and outcomes, to balance the anticipated time the marking task takes, to ensure timely release of results to students which motivates students to progress. Mr. Semukono further called staff to mark all questions attempted by students, mark an average of 100 numbers per day, to account for the scripts given to them. He further called upon the Academic staff to avoid multitasking, follow procedures and governace given by the internal examiners, among others. Meanwhile the Dean Faculty oCommerce, Dr. Racheal Mindra Katoorogo, asked the staffs to improve the way they mark and not to defeat themselves. There are samples being done and some people just put marks without marking, some mistakes affect the students and defeat them, the level of unseriousness has gone high but it is time to step up. “Not coming to the training is entirely an act of indiscipline, we have to work together, attend such trainings and not make it easier for people to make decisions.” She added . At the same event the Deputy Dean Faculty of Commerce Prof. Irene Nalukenge commended the staff for continuous improvement during the marking process which reduces errors.