The Office of the Dean of Students
organized a three day Guild
Executive Leadership and
Management Training at
Silver Springs Hotel Bugolobi.
The training commenced on
September 10, 2024 aimed
at imparting leadership and
management skills to the Guild

The Ag. Principal Prof. Moses
Muhwezi officially opened the
training and challenged the
student leaders to be more
exposed and knowledgeable
beyond their academic
programme, so as to conquer
the universe.
Prof. Muhwezi warned the executives
not to take their leadership
positions for granted, but
use them as stepping stones
for future leadership. “Serve
faithfully, be patient and
understanding especially in a
country where resources are

Be intentional about
your future, understand the
meaning of life and do not
take it for granted. Avoid
squandering opportunities.
Create your position in the
universe”, he advised.
He further assured the student
leaders that they have been
called to serve and they should
be proud that they are leaders
in MUBS at this time and
that there is a bright future
ahead. The journey starts
now, opportunities do not
live beyond their lifetime,
they always come once, So do
not misuse your opportunities
but use them to create the future
you want. The Principal also
cautioned the leaders about
retakes and said it is shameful
for a student to have retakes.

The Dean of Students, Ms.
Juliet Kateega, said that the training
helps students leaders to gain confidence.

She asked them to cooperate with the School
Administration and appealed
to them to follow the Guild
constitution closely and follow
the regulations that govern the
University. “Do not go beyond
the mandate, it is very easy to
destroy the name that you have
built for years, therefore, lead
with caution.” Ms. Kateega added.

The School Bursar, Mr. Michael
Ruhigwa took the students
through the budgeting process
and challenges faced by the
Guild leaders in the process, He advised them
to have a budget for proper
planning and accountability. Mr.
Ruhigwa, also advised the Guild
to work within their means, and
avoid over expectations.