Inclusion in a workplace creates a sense of belonging across co-workers or colleagues with varying identities, where every employee feels valued, welcomed, respected, included, represented, among others.

Ms. Vivian Elizabeth Najjengo, Administrative Assistant Office of the Principal

Most organisations have cited diversity as a top value, and recently most organisations are driving towards achieving an inclusive environment for its employees, however to some organisations, it is still a challenge when it comes to both implementing and achieving an inclusive environment.
An inclusive, Productive and decent workplace enables persons with disabilities to realize their aspirations, improve their living conditions and participate more actively in society. For over the Years, MUBS through the MUBS Disability, Learning and Resource Centre has worked towards achieving an Inclusive and Enabling environment for Persons with Disabilities including employing Persons with Disabilities, employing Sign Language Interpreters, holding Disability awareness workshops, sign Language trainings for staff, among others. It has also Collaborated together with various Organisations like Light for the world Uganda to ensure they achieve an inclusive Environment.

On December 12-14, 2023, Light for the world Kenya organised an Employees workshop and I was selected to attend and represent Light for the world Uganda at the workshop which took place in Nairobi, Kenya.

Inclusion in a workplace creates a sense of belonging across co-workers or colleagues with varying identities, where every employee feels valued, welcomed, respected, included, represented, among others and this can translate to greater Team performance, productivity, more innovation, and better decision making.

Organisations can achieve an Inclusive environment implementing inclusive polices, practices and behaviour, removing barriers of inclusion such as communication, and accessible facilities, changing of attitude towards the abilities of person with Disabilities, coaching and mentorship of the colleagues at work on Disability awareness, continuous engagements with PWDs, Up skills trainings, among others.

I would like to thank MUBS Management and Council for the support they offer to Persons With Disabilities and also appreciate Light for the World Uganda for selecting me to represent them at the work shop. Together we can achieve a more enabling, joyous, and inclusive workspace.