Dr. Maria Nantongo, Director, Climate Finance and Sustainability Centre

On May 9, 2024 a team from the MUBS Climate Finance and Sustainability Centre led by Dr. Maria Nantongo participated in the Government of  Uganda Country Climate change and Development Report (CCDR) technical workshop organized by the Ministry of Finance and the World Bank at Kampala Sheraton Hotel.
The workshop discussed the climate finance terrain of Uganda and advised that the world bank should take it into account in its endeavors so that they are able to develop climate finance program-based solutions not sector solutions.
The World Bank, as part of its climate change action plan, has been producing CCDRs. CCDRs offer rigorous data and modelling-based diagnostics and  narratives that examine the interplay between climate and development.
It has completed more than twenty CCDRs covering more than 25 countries across sub Saharan Africa. The findings across these CCDRs have highlighted the urgency of strengthening resilience to climate risks, the opportunities created by maintaining low carbon development paths and green energy transitions, priority interventions areas, necessary policies and investments and the role of public and private sectors.
The workshop also covered the preliminary results from climate impact channel Impact channel modeling underway, results from the macro analytics underway, results from the institutional analysis underway, sectoral analysis underway and insights climate financing opportunities among others.
Dr. Nantongo appreciated the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development for inviting them to seek for their views about climate finance, and appreciated MUBS Management for allowing the Centre to operate.