In our communities and the world at large, success stories always take a centre stage of attraction, often ignoring the learning process from people around us that are trying to pick them selves up from a failed adventure.
Failing does not have a specific corner it sits, it comes in at any point of life and in any discipline, be it in academics, business, marriage, health, leadership, families among others. However, failure does not close all the chapters of one’s life, but rather it can be used as a stepping stone to success.

Ms. Babra Owomugisha

Further more, failure is an emotional experience that affects individuals differently whether how significantly or insignificantly it varies amongst people. To some individuals it leads to self blame, depression, giving up, stagnant growth, regret, negative briefs and criticism from the public.

Yet to some people, failure has shaped their mindset to thinking big and growing. Take an example of Thomas Edison, who famously said, “I have not  failed, I have just found 10,000 ways that will not work.” His persistence, determination and ability to embrace failure led to the invention of the light bulbs that we not only use in our homes but also every where. Therefore some one can fail when they give up on their dreams or goals.
When you fail, remember that you are merely one step closer to success. The setbacks you face make you smarter and more resilient, equipping you with valuable knowledge that prepares you for victory. Solider on ! All that said, how can we use failure as a stepping stone to success;

We must accept failure, failure is a hard pill to swallow but the earlier one accepts that situation at hand, the earlier the recovery process starts. At this point, it is important avoid self blame for what ever did not workout but rather take it as feedback to improve your self, your ideas, among  others.
Another area is resilience, this is not built in one day but can be gained over time, resilience gives one the ability to  bounce back from a failed adventure to a successful empire.
Embracing a growth mindset; through acceptance and resilience, one can embrace failure as an opportunity for learning and self-improvement in order to cultivate a growth mindset that enables one seize opportunities, adapt to change, and achieve long-term success and goals.
Learn from the experience gained, take the lessons and apply them to future situations. This not only helps you to avoid making the same mistakes but also helps you develop new skills, talent, strategies and better ways of doing work.
Seeking feedback and mentorship are key in this journey of embracing failure, therefore embrace feedback from the people who have experienced similar failures because their insights, experience, and guidance can help you with a new direction and strategies to take.
Some people fail because they do not have SMART goals, therefore as you recover from failure, set Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time bound goals. This helps, guides and keeps you on course