Faculty Staff during the workshop

Assoc. Prof. Milburga Atcero, the Dean of the Faculty of Tourism, Hospitality and Languages, urged staff to prioritize research and publication during a recent seminar held at Silver Springs Hotel Bugolobi on January 25, 2023. She emphasized that this commitment is essential for academic advancement. Prof. Atcero expressed gratitude to the Ag. Principal, Prof. Moses Muhwezi, for allocating part of the research funds to organize the seminar, stating, “We were also able to support four research groups”. Assoc. Prof. Atcero urged staff to enhance their capacity and expertise within their respective fields to meet global research standards. “Let us distinguish ourselves from primary and secondary school teachers who solely focus on teaching. As academics, our duty encompasses teaching, research, and publication,” she emphasized passionately. Assoc. Prof. Atcero highlighted the significance of research and publication for career progression, from teaching assistants to professors. She also stressed the importance of collaboration and knowledge sharing among colleagues. “Let us support each other’s growth in research and publication,” she concluded. During the seminar, Assoc. Prof. Samuel Dawa provided guidance on conducting research, emphasizing the importance of literature review and extensive reading for quality research output. Additionally, Assoc. Prof. Samson Otengei encouraged staff to publish within their areas of interest and value their contributions to the academic community. Several Faculty members presented their research findings during the seminar, covering diverse topics such as the effects of entrepreneurial orientation on the performance of star- rated hotels in Uganda, the role of languages in tourism development, and strategies to promote domestic tourism and socioeconomic prosperity through festivals, assessing the monetary value of foreign language knowledge: a case study on how graduates convert their acquired foreign language skills into income. Acknowledging the contributions of staff to research, awards were presented to notable individuals including Assoc. Prof. Milburga Atcero, Assoc. Prof. Samson Otengei, Assoc. Prof. Samuel Dawa, and Dr. Mercy Arinaitwe, among others