The Faculty of Tourism, Hospitality, and Languages at Makerere University Business School organized a highly successful stakeholders’ consultative meeting on Wednesday, April 17, 2024. The meeting aimed to gather input for the development of the Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and Diplomacy program.

It brought together a diverse group of guests, including retired and active diplomats, members of academia, representatives from the Parliament of Uganda, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC), the Global Youth Climate Network, the

Uganda Communications Commission, interpreters from the African Union (AU) and the United Nations (UN), as well as representatives from the Uganda Police, Interpol, IS Embassy, East African Legislative Assembly (EALA), and esteemed professionals from various NGOs. Assoc. Prof. Milburga Atcero, Dean of the Faculty, described the discussions as robust and insightful, with  participants sharing their expertise, experiences, and recommendations for shaping the future of the program.
The presence of the Principal added significance to the event, and his welcoming remarks set a positive tone for the discussions. He emphasized that the recommendations generated during the meeting would provide valuable insights for the institution as it progresses with the development of the program.
These recommendations will inform curriculum design, pedagogical approaches, and practical experiences integrated into the program to ensure its relevance and effectiveness in preparing students for careers in international relations and diplomacy.
The success of the stakeholders’ consultative meeting highlights MUBS’ commitment to educational excellence and its dedication to engaging with stakeholders to develop programs  that meet the needs of society and the global community.
The Faculty plans to incorporate the recommendations from the meeting into the development process of the Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and Diplomacy program. This will involve further consultations with stakeholders, curriculum design workshops, and collaboration with industry partners to ensure the program aligns with emerging trends and best practices in the field.

Overall, the stakeholders’ consultative meeting has laid a solid foundation for the development of a dynamic and forward-thinking program that will prepare students to thrive in the complex and interconnected world of international relations and diplomacy.