Mr. Tom Kitutu

I want to thank MUBS for changing my mindset and in my opinion, the youth need mindset and economic change to create the change they need to see in our country.

Born in Bududa District, in  Bujirimwa to the late Namanda Samuel Wanalafu and Nabwire  Jesca, prior to his incarceration, Tom Kitutu had dropped out of school in senior two due to financial limitations. However,  as fate would have it, there were ineluctable circumstances that led to his incarceration thereby becoming a great turning point in his life as he narrates his  story.

On my admission to Luzira Prison, the prison administration took me  through various rehabilitation programs in the prison. I chose  education because I wanted to be an example to the youth from disadvantaged backgrounds  and also to bring the light of  education to my family.

My academic success is  attributed to being self-driven and the zeal to acquire University education. Studying in prison comes with a myriad of challenges. Nonetheless, I  thank God that He has blessed  me with success. (1 Samuel 2:8).The desire  to become some body after prison inspired me to forget all the stress that comes with incarceration and focus on studies.
I am currently volunteering as a teacher of Kiswahili grammar and Literature in  Kiswahili language to fellow inmates. I  am also writing academic Kiswahili books for primary and secondary levels which I intend to publish in future given support.

I intend to pursue education up to PhD level such that I can benefit my community. I also intend to use the Business knowledge and skills acquired to  create jobs opportunities.  MUBS, has empowered me to be a Job  Creator not a Job Seeker.

I want to thank MUBS for changing my  mindset and in my opinion, the youth need mindset and economic change to create the change they need to see in our country. I would once again like to convey my deepest and sincerest gratitude to MUBS and Uganda Prisons Service for giving me  an opportunity to go back to school and for resurrecting my family from the grave of ignorance. I am the first child in the family of seven to attain O’  level, A’ level and University education.