May is usually a month dedicated to mental health awareness worldwide. The state of well being in which individuals realize their potential, cope with life stresses, work productivity and contribute to their organizations usually goes unnoticed yet we all need personal care because a psychological safe and healthy work place is one that promotes workers’ mental well being and boosts productivity.
Am happy that in MUBS, we are past that because we have counselors to share with. Anxiety and depression are the most common mental health problems at the work place because of the need to hit targets and achieve results in performance. Sometimes this comes with stress full conditions that also aggravate pre-existing conditions to bring on symptoms that worsen the effects.

Ms. Evelyn Namatovu Kulabako,
Jinja Campus Counselor

What to know about work and mental health?
The average human being spends approximately 90,000 hours of their life in the work place, this is a significant amount of time. Your work place may be your source of self fulfillment or happiness, but it can also cause serious mental health issues, so it is vital to know how to deal with work related mental stressors for you to stay productive Impact of work on mental health.
Poor working environment could negatively affect work place morale. This ultimately leads to sub-par job performance, health issues and poor  communication which in turn causes frustrations and stress. Common work place stressors
Excessive work load or long hours of work which cause a burn out, poor pay/financial concerns, self-stigma since not many are comfortable to speak about personal struggles, worries of job security, Limited advancement and growth opportunities and organizational changes

How do you tell that a colleague has a mental disorder?
1. Restlessness, tiredness or fatigue, failure to meet deadlines, poor job performance and difficulty in concentrating brings excessive worrying and this strongly manifests as anxiety.

2. Poor time management, failure to complete physical tasks, poor decisions making, poor communication, lose of interest in work , increased absence, isolation and withdrawal, lose of focus, low morale which usually manifests into depression
But then what do you do if you realize your setting into mental health disorder?

1. First of all, accept that it is “okay not to feel okay,” The fall out from stress is real. When you face and accept that your mental health is suffering, you can start the process of finding the emotional health balance that works for you.
2. Recognise emotional triggers at work. Try to identify the events, people or environment that cause your mental distress. It may be necessary to take you away from triggering situations.
3. Talk about mental wellness with your supervisor, a calm conversation with your senior could solve the problem or make them aware of the larger issue.
4. Practise healthy habits, its tempting to battle stress with junk food, alcohol etc. The more healthier choices you make, the better you feel. Make a few physical exercises, get out during lunch break, reduce on caffeine intake, get better quality sleep as well.
5. Seek for help through Employee Assistance Programs “Confidential Counselling.” The silent crisis affects millions of workers though the misconceptions and myths attached to witch craft and magic lead to extreme challenges.