While presiding over the 4th day of the 74th Makerere University Graduation on February 02, 2024 at Makerere University Freedom Square dedicated to MUBS Students, Makerere University Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe congratulated MUBS on registered breakthroughs in teaching and learning, research and innovations that are significantly solving societal problems.

Prof. Nawangwe said that Makerere University Council has commenced the search of the Chancellor following the expiry of the tenure of Prof. Ezra Suruma as Chancellor of Makerere University and that the process is still on-going, thus executing the role of the Chancellor as provided for in the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act.

MUBS has developed a core entrepreneurship course, mentorship and coaching strategy and will also be responsible for ensuring the quality of the training programme nationwide over a period of four years.

In a special way, he congratulated the graduands and their parents and guardians, as well as the hardworking staff of MUBS upon the successful completion of yet another academic milestone. He also congratulated the Members of staff of MUBS who graduated.

“In addition, to your service to Makerere University, thank you for taking the right step to attain additional academic qualifications”.

In the same vein, Prof. Nawangwe congratulated members of staff whose spouses and children were graduating during the 74th graduation ceremony.

At the 74th MAK graduation ceremony, a total of 12,913 graduands received degrees and diplomas of Makerere University. Of these, a total of 132 graduands graduated with PhDs, and out of these MUBS presented 13 PhD Graduands. 1585 received Master’s degrees, 11,016 Bachelor’s degrees, 156 received postgraduate diplomas, and 24 received undergraduate diplomas.

53% of the graduands were female and 47% were male. In the category of PhD graduands, 46 were female and 86 were male. In the category of students graduating with Master’s degrees, 699 were female and 886 were male.

MUBS PhD  graduands pose for a group photo with Prof. Olvar Bergland  (Blue Gown)

Prof. Nawangwe said that Makerere’s goal is to graduate at least 200 PhDs per year in response to the World Bank call of at least 100,000 PhDs for Africa over the next 10 years, in order to pull our continent out of poverty.

Atukunda Kevin, MUBS’ best performimg student receiving a cheque and plague from MAK Convocation

MUBS Bachelor of Business Computing Students jubilate after being conferred

The Vice Chancellor said that it is tradition at every graduation to recognize the best performing undergraduate students in both humanities and the sciences. At the 74th graduation ceremony the best performing undergraduate students in the humanities were Tusubira Silas Wamala with a Bachelor of Chinese and Asian Studies, a degree programme under the College of Humanities and Social Sciences and Atukunda Kevin with a Bachelor of International Business from MUBS who tied with a CGPA of 4.84 out of 5.0.

The best performing undergraduate student in the sciences was Ruhweza Charles Godfrey, who obtained a CGPA of 4.8 out of 5.0 with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering.

Makerere’s goal is to graduate at least 200 PhDs per year, MUBS graduated thirteen  (13) PhDs and eight (8) of these were PhDs in energy economics and governance

The Vice Chancellor highlighted some of MUBS’ achievements and these included;

A) PhD Graduands and Prof. Olvar Bergland’s key role.

Today, MUBS is graduating thirteen (13) PhDs and eight (8) of these are PhDs in energy economics and governance. This has been made possible with funding from Norad through the Norwegian Programme for Capacity-Building in Higher Education and Research for Development (NORHED) project, being implemented in collaboration with the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU).

Since the project’s inception in 2016, Prof. Olvar Bergland has been instrumental in the development and implementation of the Masters and PhD programmes in energy economics and governance. He also mobilized up to ten (10) Professors from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences who visited MUBS and taught on the Masters and PhD classes in addition to supervising the PhD students. Through his effort, MUBS capacity to offer graduate education and research in energy economics has been adequately nurtured and strengthened. In recognition of his distinguished contribution,

Prof. Bergland will be presented with a plaque at the Convocation.

B) Research-World Bank Funded Project;

MUBS signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Gender, Labour, and Social Development in a joint effort to empower women entrepreneurs through the Generating Growth

Opportunities and Productivity for Women Enterprises (GROW) project.

The USD217M World Bankfunded project has four key components designed to facilitate expansion of micro and small enterprises run by women, ultimately fostering job creation and increased incomes. Under this partnership, MUBS has developed a core entrepreneurship course, mentorship and coaching strategy and will also be responsible for ensuring the quality of the training programme nationwide over a period of four years. Anticipated to benefit 280,000 women entrepreneurs and their employees, the project is being implemented in 135 districts, including those hosting refugees.

C) I wish to congratulate MUBS staff who were promoted to top academic ranks.

These include: Ag. Principal Prof. Moses Muhwezi and Dr. Arthur Serwanga who were promoted to the rank of full Professor, and Dr. Samson Otengei, Dr. Susan Watundu, Dr. Benjamin Tukamuhabwa, and Dr. Sonny Nyeko who were promoted to the rank of Associate Professor.

D) 11th Congress of the African and Indian Ocean Commission (CAOI);

MUBS in collaboration with the Association of Teachers of French in Uganda (APFO) and the French Embassy is organizing the 11th Congress of the Africa and Indian Ocean Commission (CAOI) of the International Federation of Teachers of French.

This significant event, scheduled to take place at MUBS Main Campus from 22nd to 26th July, 2024, focuses on the theme; The French language as a driver of sustainable development in the digital age; the Congress will attract a diverse range of participants, both physically and online, with an expected attendance ranging from 600 to 2,000. Of great significance is the Congress’s recognition of the pivotal role of language in communication, knowledge absorption, and community positioning, especially in the digital era, where language learning has expanded with technological advancements.

E) Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives

MUBS has been supporting the rehabilitation of inmates at Luzira Upper Prisons since the 2009 through the training of inmates admitted on the Diploma in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management. In August last year, MUBS held a ceremony at which 72 inmates were awarded certificates.

F) Appreciation to MUBS Disability Resource and Learning Centre

I take this opportunity to acknowledge the MUBS Disability Resource and Learning Centre for accepting the request from Makerere University Public Relations Office to provide sign language interpretation services during the 74th graduation ceremony. I am glad to note that the sign language interpreters have enabled us to convey communication messages to graduands, invited guests and parents with special needs. We thank Ms Gorretti Byomire, the Director, MUBS Disability Resource and Learning Centre and the entire team of sign language interpreters who have worked with us during the 74 th graduation ceremony.

G) Support to government Programmes

The Vice Chancellor emphasized the need for universities in Uganda to participate in the implementation of Government programmes that are designed to lift people from poverty and called upon MUBS to participate in sensitizing the communities for the success of the Parish Development Model.

H) Makerere University Transcripts and Certificates

I am happy to report that with the hard work of the Department of the Academic Registrar, the Directorate of ICT Support Services, and the leadership at the Colleges, the academic transcripts for students graduating during the 74 th graduation ceremony were printed before graduation.

The academic transcripts are ready and they are due for issuance to graduands. I therefore urge all our graduands to pick their transcripts from MUBS, if they have not done so already.

I) A Word to the Graduands

I wish to repeat what I told graduands at yesterday’s ceremony. Graduation day is the most important and most memorable day in the life of any scholar.

It is the day you are given a license in the form of a degree, a license that confirms that you have read enough books to be trusted intellectually, the only license for which a person spends between 16 and 18 years in the field in the search for knowledge.

Indeed, it is not only a license to succeed in life, it is a license and a privilege to serve humanity. You have worked hard to get a degree from one of the best universities in the World. This is a license for you to succeed in whatever you choose to do in your life career.

I am glad to note that the sign language interpreters have enabled us to convey communication messages to graduands, invited guests and parents with special needs. We thank Ms Gorretti Byomire, the Director,  MUBS Disability Resource and Learning Centre and the entire team  of sign language interpreters who have worked with us during the 74th graduation ceremony.

But always remember that success will only come with discipline, humility and hard work, while honoring your parents and fearing God. Shortly you will become an alumnus of this great institution. Cherish the knowledge and experiences you have collected while here, but remember that learning never ends.

Our gates remain open for you if you wish to pursue higher degrees. With a degree from one of the best universities in the World, you have no reason not to succeed in life. Indeed, the World is yours to conquer.

If jobs are not forthcoming, create them, for we have empowered you not only to be employable, but also to be entrepreneurs. Be the light that others will follow. Always carry yourself with confidence, and with dignity.

Let people know that you passed through the gates of Makerere successfully through your good deeds and not through self acclamation. We are proud that we have been a part of your life, that we have given you the knowledge and courage to face life in this ever-changing World.

Mr. Robert Tuhamire, Staff with Disability graduates with a Master degree in Energy and Economics

Go out to the World and make it a better place.

Thank you very much for your attention, AS WE BUILD FOR THE FUTURE