Makerere University Business School signed a five year Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with University of Trento, Italy on February 19, 2024 to collaborate in training, joint research and publications, capacity building project, and engagement of faculty, students and staff members for participation in research, study, conferences, seminars and workshops

L-R; Mr. Francis Yosa, Prof. Moses Muhwezi and Prof. Italo Trevisan

The MoU was signed between the Faculty of Economic, Energy and Management Science and the Department of Economics and Management, University of Trento Italy at MUBS Main Campus Nakawa. The Ag. Principal MUBS, Prof. Moses Muhwezi, signed on behalf of MUBS while, Prof. Italo Trevisan represented the Department of Economics and Management University of Trento, Italy. Prof. Muhwezi was grateful for the collaboration, which he described as critical in extending the Institution’s research and networking agenda.

Collaborations are very important and universities survive through collaborations

He welcomed Prof. Italo to MUBS and commended him for his immense contribution in building research capacity in the School. He said MUBS is now a big institution that has grown in research with over 140 staff with PhDs, Professors, Associate Professors and Senior Lecturers. “Collaborations are very important and universities survive through collaborations. External dimensions and internationalization are part of the evaluation of a university especially students traveling a broad and students from abroad coming here, staff will have an international experience once we have this important project’’, he explained. Prof. Muhwezi said in future, MUBS plans to develop joint programs with the University of Trento where MUBS students can offer joint degree with the University of Trento in Italy. ‘’ I hope this MoU will not just be about signing but have an impact on students, staff and on the assessment of the institution as a whole. Meanwhile Prof. Italo is very happy to be at MUBS. ‘’ I am here today to formalize our connections and relationship with MUBS by signing this Memorandum of Understanding. My connection with MUBS is now not personal but institutional which will give a face to a wider collaboration in various fields between MUBS and University of Trento. Prof. Italo said they have already started working with the Dean Faculty of Economics, Energy and Management Science Dr. Ronette Atukunda on the capacity building project and the idea in this project is to develop a new curriculum, new model and new methods of teaching. The Dean said her faculty said the relationship between MUBS and the University of Trento in Italy will bring both universities to working together and believes that in the next five years they will have positive outcomes from this MoU. She thanked Prof. Italo for trusting MUBS and choosing MUBS among the many universities in Uganda.