Mr. Rogers Mwine,
MUBSASA Chairman

Mr. Hussein Kasule
Vice Chairman MUBSASA

Ms. Valentine Kataike
General Secretary

On April, 12, 2024 Makerere University Business School  Senior Administrative Staff  under their umbrella Association  MUBSASA held elections to  elect their executive. Among  the elective positions included  Chairperson, Vice chairperson,  General Secretary, Deputy General Secretary, Treasurer,  Welfare, Council representatives to School Council, Retirement  Benefit Scheme, Tribunal and the a representative from each of the four  campuses.
Among the contested positions,  Mr. Ochari David emerged  victorious with 137 votes to  represent MUBSASA to the  School Council. Mr. Rogers  Mwine won with 137  votes and was declared the new  MUBSASA Chairperson, and Mr. Hussein Kalule who gathered  112 votes was declared the new  MUBSASA Vice Chairman.  Mr. Disio Abiriga with a total  of 112 votes was re-elected to represent MUBSASA to the Retirement Benefits Scheme.
The rest of the candidates ran unopposed, that is Ms. Valentine Kataike Ntege as the General Secretary, Mr. Bright Amos as Welfare, Mr. Shafiq Mugerwa as  the representative to the Tribunal and Ms. Susan Daphine Nalubega  as the Treasurer. Additionally, representatives from various campuses included Ms.  Doreen Kabadaaki, for Mbarara Campus, Mr. Sinani Waguma Abubaker, for Jinja Campus, Ms. Samia Patience Buga, for Arua
Campus and Ms. Justine Nekesa for Mbale Campus. Ms. Mariam Nakigude was nominated and seconded by the executives to take on Deputy General Secretary  position.

Ms. Mariam Nakigudde
Vice General Secretary

Mr. Luyinda Christopher, the Returning Officer, declared all winners, thereby forming the full executive of MUBSASA. In his remarks, he commended the candidates for maintaining   a good conduct throughout the campaigning process and  thanked the Staff for turning up to vote.

He urged the newly elected leaders to prioritize the interests of their constituents and encouraged those who were unsuccessful to remain engaged with the association.

Ms. Suzan Daphine Nalubega
Treasurer/Finance Secretary

Mr. Bright Amos
Welfare & Staff Development

Mr. David Ochari
Representative to School Council

Mr. Disio Abiriga
Representative to MUBS Retirement Benefits Scheme

Mr. Shafiq  Mugerwa
Representative to Staff Tribunal

Ms. Samia Patience Buga,
Representative Arua Regional Campus

Ms. Justine Nekesa
Representative  Mbale Regional Campus

Mr. Waguma Abubaker Sinani
Representative  Jinja Regional Campus

Ms. Doreen Kabadaki
Representative Mbarara Regional Campus