The Dean Faculty of Management Dr. Joshua Mugambwa has appreciated the faculty and staff for completing marking in time and encouraged them to research and publish.

Dr. Joshua Mugambwa

Dr. Annet Nabatanzi K Muyimba

Ms. Regis Namuddu

This was at the 51st Faculty of Management Examiner’s Board Meeting, on February 13, 2024 at MUBS Main Campus Nakawa in preparation for the release of Semester 1 academic year 2023/2024 results. The Directors of the Out- reach Centres under the Faculty of Management gave a brief on the up coming events. The Director of the Leadership Centre Ms. Regis Namuddu informed the staff about the upcoming international leadership conference and called for active participation and support. And, the Director, Knowledge for Development Centre Dr. Annet Nabatanzi K Muyimba gave a brief report of what the Centre has been doing.