L-R; Mr. Milton Kambula, Mr. Paul Mugabe, Dr. Emmanuel Matadi, Prof. Moses Muhwezi, Hon. Muruli Mukasa and Dr. Tony Devine

Transforming education is a process of redefining learning to develop the character competencies and future workplace skills that are in high demand by employers and to prepare students to have a positive influence on their world.
From April 15-17, MUBS Leadership Centre in conjunction with Global Peace foundation and Inter religious Council of Uganda hosted a 3 day workshop on visualizing the purpose and future of education in the global south towards 2050, at MUBS Main Campus Nakawa.
While closing the workshop, the Minister of Public Service, Hon. Muluri Mukasa congratulated the School for successfully hosting the workshop and emphasized the importance of shaping a better future for Uganda through Transformative Education and good character.

Many changes have taken place and some are irreversible, Look at the effect of artificial Intelligence. Therefore, we should focus on the quality of education, quality of the teachers who are teaching to achieve the desired quality of learners.

He said, “the transformation of  Uganda was founded on peace that was ushered in by NRM under President Yoweri Museveni and this peace has been realized as a very valuable element  and I do not think any Ugandan now or even in the future is ready to compromise with this peace and overturns it or transforms it into chaos and violence which we experienced for a long time from 1900 up to 2010 when we look at as insurgencies as history.
And because of that, we are not ready to compromise with the peace not even our children or grand children and I think we have said goodbye to chaos.

Therefore when we are talking about a peaceful future, through transformative education, it is incumbent upon us that we should look at the following carefully and seriously; our national value system, which is very universal for all Ugandan communities.
A system that brings you out as somebody with certain characteristics and cherishes value and people can attest to that, Patriotism, which is love for  our country but most importantly you loving the people and being ready to sacrifice for the sake of the people.
The culture of Ubuntu which makes us human beings as opposed to animals and the other one is Pan Africanism, Africa as it is today not black Africa or Sub- Saharan Africa because at one time Africa was actually black but because of changes somehow it became white in the North.
So our purposeful future shaped by education that aims to transform us has those characteristics, we should focus on them to make us a group of people who are going to be resilient who will have these values of ubuntu and be ready to do all what it takes to ensure that we are in charge of our development.”
The Minister also emphasized the importance of education saying, it is very critical and what ever we do in the education we must align it to our present and future needs and also show that  what ever we are going to do is sustained.

Regardless of the challenges that we face at any given time, face the challenges, find solutions, make amends, move on and regenerate.

Education therefore, is one of the greatest resource that we have and the other resource are the people, therefore it is important that education works on the people, natures them and prepares them to address the challenges of today and tomorrow.
He said we can not underestimate the importance of transforming education particularly in the global circle. Many changes have taken place and some are irreversible, Look at the effect of artificial Intelligence.
Therefore, we should focus on the quality of education, quality of the teachers who are teaching to achieve the desired quality of learners. At the event, Hon. Paul Mugambe Paul, the Mayor Nakawa Division emphasized the need for more   skilled and hands on graduates. The Dean Faculty of management Dr. Joshua Mugambwa explained that the aim of the Workshop was to create a model of education transformation in Uganda.

The purpose was also to promote  Peace through transformative education and inspection for sustainable development.
Participants included Leaders at different levels in the education sector across Uganda. We are grateful to Global Peace Foundation for championing the vision and the Lead facilitator Dr. Tony Devine for sharing knowledge .