Develop climate finance program-based solutions not sector solutions

Dr. Maria Nantongo, Director, Climate Finance and Sustainability Centre On May 9, 2024 a team from the MUBS Climate Finance and Sustainability Centre led by Dr. Maria Nantongo participated in the Government of  Uganda Country Climate change and Development Report (CCDR) technical [...]

2024-08-03T19:56:56+00:00June 30, 2024|General News, Highlights, Research|

MUBS K4D meeting with the UN Convention on Biodiversity

R-L Dr. Nabatanzi Annet Muyimba, Dr. Joshua Mugambwa hosting the UN Convention delegates On Friday June 7, 2024, the MUBS Knowledge for Development Centre (K4D) had a meeting with the UN Convention on Biodiversity in the Ag. Principal's Board Room at MUBS [...]

2024-08-03T19:47:54+00:00June 30, 2024|General News, Highlights, Research|

UCA seeks collaboration with MUBS

UCA seeks collaboration with MUBS to introduce Cooperative education 3rd L; Prof. Moses Muhwezi, CPA Ivan Asiimwe, Assoc. Prof. Rachel Mindra Katoroogo together with Faculty of Commerce Staff and Staff from Uganda Cooperative Alliance A meeting was held on June 11, [...]

2024-08-03T19:38:43+00:00June 30, 2024|General News, Highlights, Research|

MUBS and Multilines Launch Partnership to Empower Students

MUBS and Multline display the MoU signed On May 23, 2024, MUBS and Multilines  International Limited signed a  Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) formalizing a strategic partnership to empower MUBS students, elevate the Ugandan logistics sector, and propel Multilines’ research and development (R&D) [...]

2024-08-04T18:07:23+00:00June 30, 2024|Faculty News, General News, Research|

Uganda France Alumni Society elects new leadership

On Tuesday, June 11, 2024, Mr. Don Patrick, an Assistant Lecturer, Ms. Priscilla Lamwaka, and Assoc. Prof. Milburga Atcero (Dean of the Faculty of Tourism, Hospitality, and Languages), were appointed as President, Vice Secretary, and Treasurer, respectively, of the newly formed Uganda France Alumni Society. [...]

2024-08-03T17:30:23+00:00June 30, 2024|General News|

School signs MOU with Eduserv, ECASA and HOGMAU

Prof. Moses Muhwezi, MUBS Ag. Principal together with MUBS Staff and Staff from Eduserv, ECASA and HOGMAU On Monday, May 20, 2024, the Faculty of Tourism, Hospitality, and Languages at Makerere University Business School [...]

2024-08-04T12:56:10+00:00June 30, 2024|Faculty News, General News, Research|

Visiting Professor encourages collaboration between Universities

Most strategic goals are achievable  but through collaboration, there is need for critical thinking since the world is moving to Artificial Intelligence, (AI). There is a lot of growth when people interact, and   it is important as a person to design what you want and [...]

2024-08-04T12:41:27+00:00June 30, 2024|Faculty News, General News, Research|

Embracing failure as a stepping stone to success

In our communities and the world at large, success stories always take a centre stage of attraction, often ignoring the learning process from people around us that are trying to pick them selves up from a failed adventure. Failing does not have a specific corner [...]

2024-07-23T05:36:46+00:00June 23, 2024|General News|

MUBS-FSDU launch Financial inclusion Journal

Photo moments at the MUBS-FSDU Financial Inclusion Journal Launch Faculty of Commerce in partnership  with the Financial Sector Deepening  Uganda held a Financial Inclusion Research Dissemination Workshop  and also Launched their Financial Inclusion [...]

2024-08-04T18:27:51+00:00May 30, 2024|Faculty News, General News, Research|

Managing work place mental health

May is usually a month dedicated to mental health awareness worldwide. The state of well being in which individuals realize their potential, cope with life stresses, work productivity and contribute to their organizations usually goes unnoticed yet we all need personal care because a psychological [...]

2024-07-23T05:52:25+00:00May 23, 2024|General News, Staff News, Students News|
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