Bid Notice : Cleaning Services and Supply of Laptops and Desktops for MUBS
Makerere University Business School invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for : Supply of Cleaning Services and Supply of Laptops and Desktops for MUBS … read more
Makerere University Business School invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for : Supply of Cleaning Services and Supply of Laptops and Desktops for MUBS … read more
Dr. Marios Obwona, an Advisor, at the National Planning Authority says a country's ability to improve its standards of living over time depends almost entirely on its ability to raise its productivity. He also said agriculture is the backbone of Uganda’s economy, employing [...]
MUBS is interested in preparing its students for the world as change agents, unique employees, great entrepreneurs and great leaders. On February 14, 2024 the School Registrar's Office together with the Career and Skills Development Centre kicked off the Skills Development Program to guide students [...]
Regarding Research, Publications and Innovations at MUBS, we thank the Government of Uganda, Mak-RIF and other Organisations for the research funds extended to us. These funds have transformed MUBS tremendously. MUBS Management, council, Staff and participants at the 27th MUBS Annual [...]
As we start 2024, I encourage you all to stay determined, focus on progress, value your accomplishments and use them as motivation to work harder and perform even better. Happy New Year colleagues. I am excited to be working with you all in my new [...]
I encourage each of you to take a moment to reflect on the accomplishments of the past year, both personal and professional. Celebrate the milestones, no matt er how small, and use them as stepping stones toward future success. Dear Faculty, Staff , and [...]
Dear students and MUBS community happy new year. We thank God for the gift of knowledge we are sharing at this great institution. Let us begin the New Year with enthusiasm to acquiring more knowledge that will make us better people in this [...]
“Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving.” Saving should be a deliberate and planned action, treated as a non-negotiable commitment rather than an after thought. This perspective aligns with the idea of “paying yourself first,” ensuring that [...]
I urge you all to continue actively participating in our activities, bring novel suggestions and deliver your best. The year 2023 ended, I take this opportunity to thank you all of your hard work and dedication to the Faculty of Management and the School. The [...]
Makerere University Business School invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for : Supply of Furniture for MUBS Offices (PHD Staff Offices and Administrative Offices) ... read more