Make innovations that will add value to rural areas

On October 10, 2023, the Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) awarded grants to five out of fifteen companies through UCUSAF e-Booster Program. The eBooster program is funded by the Uganda Communications Commission and implemented by MUBS led by Prof. Ernest Abaho. The selected companies [...]

2023-12-06T04:34:48+00:00December 6, 2023|Faculty News, General News, Outreach Centres|

MUBS applauds Rotarians for their cause for humanity

2nd Line, 3rd L; Prof. Moses Muhwezi, Mr. Kakembo Nsubuga, Rotarians, MUBS Staff, and Students during the Boy Child Uplifting Campaign ‘’About 3 million people in the world are in need and it is the societal right to help each other. As [...]

2023-12-06T04:11:29+00:00December 6, 2023|General News|

Uganda, still a safe tourism destination

It should be noted that such an incident could happen anywhere, any time and to anyone. The motives of these attacks vary, but all point out to one factor; that the target is never the tourists. The evening of Tuesday, [...]

2023-12-04T13:32:58+00:00December 4, 2023|General News|

Prof Orobia Elected as a Member of the ICPAU

Prof. Laura Orobia, a Deputy Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research was recently elected ICPAU Council Member. Her main objective is to strengthen the accountancy education and research functions of ICPAU, enhance the Institute’s existing linkages with universities and other institutions as well as to [...]

2023-07-18T13:57:27+00:00July 18, 2023|General News|

The fourth solution; the vaccines

In part IV we discussed the solutions to the Coronavirus pandemic. In this part we continue with the discussion of solutions. This leads me to the fourth solution, the vaccines. Vaccines have been developed by Scientists as a means of preventing people from being infected [...]

2024-04-05T18:31:00+00:00August 27, 2021|General News, Health|

Blood clot and its prevention

Clotting is necessary to prevent excessive bleeding. Naturally, the body will form clots to plug any holes in the blood vessels which usually happen after accidents or trauma. Some people have a genetic condition where they can’t clot and can often bleed to death from [...]

2021-09-15T16:02:37+00:00August 27, 2021|General News, Health|

Bagire vs Bagiire: When a single ‘i” makes the difference”

“When a single ‘i’ differentiates our names, it may pass in administrative interactions but in computer code it would not. When I explain that my single ‘i’ reflects Bunyoro and double ‘ii’ is its cousin in Busoga friends tease [...]

2021-09-14T17:40:19+00:00August 26, 2021|General News|

Financial Literacy for Young Adults

I guess the biggest question is WHY? As children, we learn by modelling what our parents and other influential people in our lives do. I have had a pretty awesome life if I must say. Given a lot of chances to grow up as an [...]

2023-07-16T17:52:13+00:00August 26, 2021|Faculty News, General News|

Service co-creation On social media: varieties and measures among non-profit organizations

Little is known about the variations in service cocreation on social media, despite the resource integrating capabilities and co-creator roles afforded by these platforms. The gap is even more troubling in the nonprofit sector, where leveraging public interaction on social media is prevalent and vital [...]

2021-09-14T16:59:27+00:00August 26, 2021|General News, Research, Staff News|

Investigate how Family Businesses can survive Conflict

Dr. Barbara Ofwono, the founder of Victorious Education Services Dr. Barbara Ofwono, the founder of Victorious Education Services and Chairperson Uganda Women Entrepreneurs Association has advised family business owners to put in place systems to manage conflict and ensure continuity of the business after the [...]

2021-08-21T15:48:01+00:00July 28, 2021|Faculty News, General News, Research|
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