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So far webnews has created 251 blog entries.

I commend you all for your dedication and incredible work

As we start 2024, I encourage you all to stay determined, focus on progress, value your accomplishments and use them as motivation to work harder and perform even better. Happy New Year colleagues. I am excited to be working with you all in my new [...]

2024-03-24T17:57:27+00:00January 30, 2024|General News|

May this new year 2024 bring you renewed hope

I encourage each of you to take a moment to reflect on the accomplishments of the past year, both personal and professional. Celebrate the milestones, no matt er how small, and use them as stepping stones toward future success. Dear Faculty, Staff , and [...]

2024-03-24T17:04:57+00:00January 30, 2024|General News|

Thank You for your Hard work and Dedication in 2023

Dear students and MUBS community happy new year. We thank God for the gift of knowledge we are sharing at this great institution. Let us begin the New Year with enthusiasm to acquiring more knowledge that will make us better people in this [...]

2024-03-22T14:45:38+00:00January 30, 2024|General News|

Saving is easier when you plan

“Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving.” Saving should be a deliberate and planned action, treated as a non-negotiable commitment rather than an after thought. This perspective aligns with the idea of “paying yourself first,” ensuring that [...]

2024-03-22T14:31:58+00:00January 30, 2024|General News|

Jinja campus emerges overall winners of MUBASA 5th edition

MUBS Jinja Regional Campus staff jubilating after winning the 5th Editi on of the MUBASA Festival Annually MUBS Academic Staff from all Faculti es and Regional Campuses Under their Umbrella MUBS Academic Staff Associati on (MUBASA) come together for a sports day [...]

2024-03-22T14:11:25+00:00January 30, 2024|Sports, Staff News|

Academic staff asked to take the examination process seriously

5th L; Dr. Rachel Mindra Katoroogo, Dean Faculty of Commerce together with Staff from the Faculty after the workshop Avoid academic corruption such as giving students unnecessary marks, calling students to give you money, having interactions with students during the marking process [...]

2024-03-22T13:02:10+00:00January 30, 2024|Faculty News|

Specialize in what you are teaching

3rd L, seated; Assoc. Prof. Sheilah Namagembe, Dean Faculty of Procurement and Logistics Management together with Staff in the Faculty after the meeting I appreciate each one of you for your efforts in the last concluded semester and for those that have [...]

2024-03-22T13:18:26+00:00January 30, 2024|Faculty News|

Let us all be part of the 2nd MUBS Business Language Festival

Staff in the Faculty of Tourism, Hospitality and Languages pose with a photo frame confirming their attendance at the Festival  Multilingualism readily provides communityshared opportunities for exploring the related cultures, foods/cuisines, languages, designs and brands for the respective stakeholders and youth skilled [...]

2024-03-22T12:04:29+00:00January 30, 2024|Faculty News|

MUBS Jinja Campus Freshers’ Ball

MUBS Jinja Regional Campus Director Dr. Veronica Mukyala (Green Dress) thanked first year students for choosing MUBS Jinja Regional Campus for their undergraduate degrees during the MUBS Jinja campus Freshers ball which was held on January 25, 2024 at the Campus playground. Dr. [...]

2024-03-22T11:47:00+00:00January 30, 2024|Highlights|

French Embassy donates books

MUBS Students and also French Language club representatives pose with books donated to MUBS by the French Embassy to enable them while learning French Language

2024-03-22T11:36:03+00:00January 30, 2024|Highlights|
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